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ILM Vancouver 10th Anniversary Logo

Happy 10 Years to ILM Vancouver

From Small Beginnings to the Cutting Edge of Visual Effects

It began with a “pod” in Vancouver’s Gastown neighborhood. There a small group of visual effects artists established offices for Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). With their growing success, ILM chose to expand the Vancouver operation into a fully-fledged studio with over 200 employees hired by 2014.

The space fantasy Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2015) became the first ILM client project to be “hubbed” in Vancouver, meaning that effects work was centralized at the studio. The employee count more than doubled before the operation took on its first episodic work with The Mandalorian (2019).

Most recently, the Vancouver operation has continued to grow to some 700 employees, with crews working on live action features, episodic projects, and animated feature films. In 2022, they debuted their own StageCraft volume.

Along with the studios in Singapore, London, and Sydney, Vancouver’s success has fueled the growth of ILM’s international operations for the past decade. Here’s to many decades more…

Congratulations to ILM Vancouver!

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